CommercialSEAI Grants

Navigating the Non-Domestic Microgeneration Grant.

Are you a commercial business aiming to harness the advantages of sustainable energy through the Non-Domestic Microgeneration Grant? Look no further than Encom - your strategic partner in achieving energy efficiency, cost savings, and environmental responsibility. The Non-Domestic Microgeneration Grant (NDMG) offers financial support to enable enterprises and various industries to implement on-site solar PV panel installations for electricity generation. Grant allocations are accessible for systems with a capacity of up to 1000 kWp (1MWp), maximising its impact.


The NDMG is typically available for non-domestic entities, which include commercial business, public sector bodies, schools, community centres, con-profit societies and agricultural enterprises.

How much can you get?

The grant amount you receive is based on the standard output of your solar PV system.


Grant funding through the scheme is applicable to a solar PV system, with a maximum output of 1000kWp. The maximum grant poffering, amounting to €162,600, is available for systems ranging from 1kWp to a maximum of 1000kWp

If you have a
1 kWp system output
you could be granted...

Some small print here

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SEAI Grants

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